Monday, October 28, 2013

Falltime Pictures

Life around here just keeps flying by! Ollie turned 2 in August and Cale is now 6 months. Cale had to get a helmet to reshape his head because it is lopsided. We've been holding him on his right side (it helps with digestions) since he's got really bad silent reflux. Halloween is in a few days, so we've got fun decorations up around the house and went to the annual Markham Halloween party yesterday. I'm excited to be in a home for Christmas and have our tree up soon!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Cale's Birth

Man, I am a slacker! Life has been busy, to say the least. Cale Raymond Markham was born on April 17, 2013 and weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz. On the 15th, I had gone to my doctor and he asked if I wanted my membranes stripped. I had this done with Oliver and it started my contractions right away, so it threw me off guard and I told my doctor "no", since I didn't have things in order to start labor right then. I went home and wished I had said yes. The next day I called and asked if I could come in and have him do it and they said yes. It started contractions, but not as hard as with Oliver. That night though, they came on strong. We called Dave's mom over in the middle of the night and headed to the hospital. Around 10 AM, they checked me and I was dilated to a 10 and ready to start pushing. Right at that moment, the hospital had an earthquake drill because in Utah it was the day set aside for everyone to do an earthquake drill. The doctor said "We're not going anywhere!" So I started pushing at 10:20, while the rest of the hospital did the drill and Cale was born at 10:26. He was a lot easier to push out than Ollie (his head was a lot smaller), even though he weighed more than Ollie did at birth. When my placenta came out it had an extra lobe, which made Cale a bigger baby because he received more food. The first thing I noticed about him was his long tongue that he kept sticking out. Dave and I both thought he looked just like my Grandpa Seamons when he came out. Here are some pictures from the day he was born and right after we brought him home.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

New House

I need to take pictures of all the rooms in our house, but here's a picture that Brett posted on facebook of us in front of our house :)

Valentine's Breakfast 2013

In high school, Dave's friends that were girls would all have a big sleepover then make breakfast really early and go get the boys. They've continued the tradition of having a Valentine's breakfast all these years, though it's a little different these days with spouses and kids. We hosted it this year in our new house and had lots of fun! We're LOVING the space our house provides!

Brad & Elly Taylor with their little girl getting some breakfast casserole

Dave Hess, with Dave and Danny Austin in the background

Sean Holje, Aaron Hunt, Hannah Hunt, and Ashley Holje. 

The kiddos and Chika at the table

Ollie having fun :)

Danny & Brinley Austin

Ollie has loved having friends over!

The whole gang, minus me taking the picture

Childhood best friends with their boys :)

The whole gang, minus Chika who is taking the picture. Can I just say I can't wait to have Cale and lose the baby weight?!